
Friday, April 27, 2012

As Promised

As I had promised, I'm putting up an updated quick screenshot of my realistic man.
Nothing against bald men but he really needs hair.

Currently working on face, back, hands and feet.
Respectable critiques would be appreciated.
{ O ,o }
/)____ )

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Atlanta Firm Building

Based on a concept of a building for a firm company from an architecture student.
I am really enjoying this project. I don't know what it is but this precise measurements just clicks with me.

Concept by Patricia Pericic
A screenshot of the line/mesh.

Just a real quick render of the progress.

I will post updates of my 3D realistic man later.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dragon of the Deep

So here he is :)
He needs some tweaks but almost there. Need to change the background, but he camouflages.

A water dragon, he is based more from a seahorse and narrow-mouth crocodile.
            I will be finishing up detailing his snout, detail to his upper and side fins, and adding more highlights and shadows to give more depth and detail to the scales.

I would appreciete any helpful critiques.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Break

A new quarter has begun. I have started my Senior Project 2. I need to get some more stuff posted, hopefully next week after Easter.

Dragon is almost completely done. WOO! Will finish it tonight and get pictures up.

New projects I'll be working on this quarter.
               - Architectural Building (a design of an Architecture student? *crossing fingers*)
               - Prehistoric Bird
               - Cartoon Gaston

I hope everyone has a lovely Easter!